Custom Payment Gateways for WooCommerce Documentation

Custom Payment Gateways for WooCommerce Pro plugin lets you add multiple custom payment gateways to WooCommerce.

With this plugin you can add any number of custom payment gateways to WooCommerce. Just go to “WooCommerce > Settings > Custom Payment Gateways”, set “Number of gateways” option to total number of gateways you want to add and click “Save changes” button. After that on the same screen you will be able to set admin titles for each gateway.

After setting total number of gateways, visit “WooCommerce > Settings > Payments” (or “WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout” in older versions of WooCommerce) to set each gateway’s options. For each custom payment gateway you can set:

General Options

Enables/disables the current custom payment gateway.

Default: no
Controls the title which the user sees during checkout.

Default: Custom Payment Gateway
Payment method description that the customer will see on your checkout.


Custom Payment Gateway Description.
Instructions that will be added to the thank you page.

Default: None
Email instructions
Instructions that will be added to the emails.

Default: None
If you want to show an image next to the gateway’s name on the frontend, enter a URL to an image.

Default: None

Advanced Options

Minimum order amount
If you want to set minimum order amount (excluding fees) to show this gateway on frontend, enter a number here. Set to 0 to disable.

Default: 0
Enable for shipping methods
If gateway is only available for certain shipping methods, set it up here. Leave blank to enable for all methods.

Default: None
Accept for virtual orders
Do accept gateway if the order is virtual.

Default: yes
Default order status
In case you need more custom order statuses – we suggest using free Order Status for WooCommerce plugin.

Default: Default WooCommerce order status (pending)
Send additional emails: Send to admin
This may help if you are using pending or custom default order status and not receiving admin new order emails.

Default: no
Send additional emails: Send to customer
This may help if you are using pending or custom default order status and not receiving customer processing order emails.

Default: no
Custom return URL (Thank You page)
Full URL. Optional. Leave blank to use default URL. Available placeholders: %order_id%%order_key%.

Default: None

Fees Options

This section allows you to set extra checkout fees. For each custom payment gateway you can set multiple fees.

Enables/disables the current fee.

Default: yes
Name for the fee. Multiple fees of the same name will be merged into one (with tax options from the first fee).

Default: None
Sets fee type. Can be fixed or percent. Percent is calcuated from cart total.

Default: Fixed
Sets fee amount. This field is required.

Default: None
Min amount
Minimum fee amount. Used for “Percent” type fees.

Default: None
Max amount
Maximum fee amount. Used for “Percent” type fees.

Default: None
Is the fee taxable?

Default: no
Tax class
The tax class for the fee if taxable. A blank string is standard tax class.

Default: None
Min cart total
Minimum cart total for fee to be applied.

Default: None
Max cart total
Maximum cart total for fee to be applied.

Default: None

General Fees Options

In addition to gateway specific fees options, there are also general settings located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Custom Payment Gateways > Fees”.

Enables/disables fees section.

Default: yes

Cart Total Options

This section sets how cart total should be calculated for the fees. Affects “Min cart total”, “Max cart total” options and “Percent” based fees.

Include/exclude taxes when calculating cart total for the fees.

Default: yes
Include/exclude shipping when calculating cart total for the fees.

Default: yes
Include/exclude discount when calculating cart total for the fees.

Default: yes

Input Fields Options

If you want to collect data from customers on checkout (e.g. credit card numbers).

Input field’s title (required).

Default: None
Is input field required to fill in on checkout.

Default: no
Input field’s type. Possible values: Text; Number; Select(drop-downlist); Color; Date; Email; Range; Tel; Time; URL; Week; Month; Password; Checkbox; Textarea;.

Default: text
Input field’s placeholder (optional).

Default: None
Input field’s CSS class (optional).

Default: None
Default value
Input field’s default value (optional).

Default: None
Input field’s options – for “Select” type; one option per line.

Default: None

General Input Fields Options

In addition to gateway specific input fields options, there are also general settings located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Custom Payment Gateways > Input Fields”.

Input fields
Enables/disables input fields section.

Default: yes

Order Details Options

Add to order details
After order table. For example on “Thank You” page.

Default: no
Template: Header

<table class="widefat striped"><tbody>
Template: Each field
Placeholders: %title%%value%.

Template: Footer


Emails Options

Add to emails
After order table.

Default: no
Sent to
Possible values: All emails; Admin emails only; Customer emails only.

Default: All emails
HTML template: Header
Default: None
HTML template: Each field
Placeholders: %title%%value%.

<p>%title%: %value%</p>
HTML template: Footer
Default: None
Plain text template: Header
Default: None
Plain text template: Each field
Placeholders: %title%%value%


%title%: %value%
Plain text template: Footer
Default: None

General Options

Add to order notes
Default: no